About Us


We are a member-driven, grassroots movement of proud UFT members organizing and mobilizing to build union power and to increase member awareness and voice.

We are committed to fight for better pay, healthcare, pension & retiree benefits and working conditions.

We demand a better contract for all UFT members and our school communities.

It’s time for a better contract with the City of New York and a better social contract with our union leadership, altogether

Together, we will forge a stronger union where all our voices matter.

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This is the official website of the “ A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT” slate. It is not an official site of The United Federation of Teachers. The site title describes a group of dues-paying UFT members organizing for a better contract with NYC and our union leadership. Information shared by us should not be considered officially from the UFT organization.


We are a member-led, grassroots movement of UFT members organizing and mobilizing to build union power, and to increase member awareness and member voice. We are organizing for a better contract for all UFT members and school communities.


We are a member-driven, grassroots movement of UFT members organizing and mobilizing to build chapter-based power, to increase member awareness, union member voice and participation.
D75 Special Education Teacher and Chapter Leader at P231K
I taught public school for 38 years. I was a UFT chapter leader and served on the UFT HS Executive Board. Now I'm here, and elected Vice-Chair of the Retired Teacher Chapter.